Lottery is a process of allocating limited resources. Whether it is kindergarten admission at a reputable school or units in a subsidized housing complex or a vaccine for a disease, lottery is a fair process that can serve its purpose when the resource is scarce and highly sought after. It is not only used in the financial industry but also for other purposes such as sports events, announcing results of a contest, and awarding prize money. There are many ways to win the lottery, including buying a ticket and matching numbers. Some states even conduct a state-wide lottery. The proceeds from this are used for various state-wide purposes.

While lottery winners are hailed as a boon to their community, it’s not hard to find cases of their downfall. There is a cottage industry of stories of cursed lottery winners—from Abraham Shakespeare, who was murdered after winning $31 million in 2006 to Jeffrey Dampier, who died the day after his comparatively tame $1 million prize; to Urooj Khan, who dropped dead after purchasing a $1 billion powerball jackpot.

The other major message that lotteries rely on is the specific benefit they provide for their states. The idea is that a small amount of revenue from tickets is better than the alternative—say, a higher tax rate or cuts to public services—and, indeed, in some states, lottery revenues make up a significant part of overall state revenue. However, unlike a normal tax, most consumers aren’t clear as to the implicit tax rate on lottery tickets.